What is reflexology?

Reflexology is a holistic therapy which follows the principle that the body is mapped on the feet, hands and ears. Reflexologists will apply pressure to these areas using fingers and thumbs, activating nerve endings that lie on specific reflex points.  This pressure sends neurological messages to the brain which then relays that message to the area of the body that is ill, stressed or disturbed.  The body's own healing mechanisms are then activated in the required area, enabling healing to occur naturally.

Will reflexology help me?

Well trained reflexologists do not claim to cure, diagnose or prescribe. Reflexology is a very individual treatment which is tailored to you as a whole person, taking into account both physical and non-physical factors that might be affecting your wellbeing. Some people find it works for them - some don't. The best way to find out is to try it!

The theory is that reflexology helps the body to restore its balance naturally. Usually, after a treatment your tension may be reduced and you might feel relaxed. You might also notice yourself sleeping better and find your mood and sense of wellbeing improving. You may also find that other aspects improve too; however, this happens on an individual basis.

There have been some positive research projects carried out with reflexology; however, as yet, there is not a large enough body of evidence for us to make clinical claims of effectiveness. 

With ever increasing levels of stress in everyday life, it is important for people to take more responsibility for their own healthcare needs. Reflexology may be one of the ways to mitigate the stresses of modern life.

Please click on interactive foot maps below for more information.

Is reflexology suitable for me?

Reflexology is a therapy which can be received by anyone at any age, from newborn babies to those receiving end of life care, and everyone in between. However, there may occasionally be times when it is not suitable to provide a treatment. 

Reflexology should not be used as an alternative to seeking medical advice. 

Please see "Resources" for more information.

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